Andy Kilianski, Ph.D.
Program Manager, Health Science Futures
Dr. Andy Kilianski joined ARPA-H in May 2023 from the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), where he served as senior director for emerging infectious diseases. During this time, he led IAVI’s filovirus vaccine portfolio – including vaccines focused on Marburg virus and Sudan virus – while also supporting strategy development and key stakeholder engagement across the entire emerging infectious diseases portfolio.
Before joining IAVI, Kilianski was a senior scientist and Science and Technology manager at the Department of Defense, where he built programs focused on countering emerging biological threats. During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kilianski led interdisciplinary teams on the Department of Defense COVID-19 Task Force, which focused on vaccine development, supply chain resilience, and COVID-19 operational data tracking and management. Kilianski received his doctorate in microbiology and immunology from Loyola University of Chicago, where he studied virus-host interactions important for coronavirus pathogenesis.