Our Story

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) was established in 2022 to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone. See how we’re making progress towards our mission! 

May 25, 2022

Adam Russell, Ph.D., is appointed as Acting Deputy Director of ARPA-H. 

HHS Secretary Becerra simultaneously establishes ARPA-H within NIH as an independent entity that reports directly to the secretary. 

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Photograph of Adam Russell

October 25, 2022

Wegrzyn presents her vision and shares a discussion with Hugh Mighty, MD, Senior Vice President of Health Affairs when ARPA-H hosts its first event at Howard University.

The agency is committed to having early conversations with the communities that will one day benefit from ARPA-H advances.

Hugh Might and Renee Wegrzyn sit side-by-side and face an audience.

December 29, 2022

Several aspects of ARPA-H are formally established with the passage of the Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging New Threats, and Pandemics Act. 

In addition to an additional $1.5B in budget, a federal employee cap, and exemptions from NIH policies, ARPA-H is given a mandate for offices in three geographic locations off of NIH’s campus. 

Blue amoeba

March 15, 2023

ARPA-H celebrates its first birthday with an agency-wide Open Broad Agency Announcement, the Dash to Accelerate Health Outcomes (DASH) public idea competition, and a kick-off event to establish formal office locations.  

The agency announces it will be located at three hubs, with one in the National Capital Region, and two hubs – a Customer Experience Hub and an Investor Catalyst Hub – to be selected through a competitive process.  

Happy Birthday ARPA-H!

A bracket diagram with ARPA-H branded colors.

July 27, 2023

ARPA-H launches PSI, or Precision Surgical Interventions, the agency’s second program and first related to cancer, addressing the Biden-Harris Administration’s Cancer Moonshot initiative.  

PSI is led by Ileana Hancu, Ph.D., in the Health Science Futures Mission Office. 

Learn About PSI

PSI signature image of tumor removal.

September 26, 2023

A nationwide health innovation network is born with the launch of ARPANET-H.

With three hubs and dozens of collaborative spokes, ARPANET-H engages communities across the country and across the health care ecosystem.

Learn More or Join the Network

ARPANET-H logo of the U.S. surrounded by colored 3D hexagons.

October 18, 2023

The ARPANET-H's physical Customer Experience Hub opens its doors in Dallas, TX.

At the opening event in Dallas, ARPA-H launches Advancing Clinical Trial Readiness, or ACTR, the first initiative within ARPANET-H. The goal of ACTR is to enable more Americans to easily take part in a clinical trial near their home. 

Watch the Launch Video

Dallas, TX skyline

February 21, 2024

As part of the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, ARPA-H committed $100 million to transform women’s health.

The ARPA-H Sprint for Women’s Health funded unconventional approaches and innovative ways to accelerate biomedical research focused on women’s health outcomes.

Learn More

Image of a mother and daughter in front of a pale pink hexagon

December 19, 2024

ARPA-H launches PROSPR, or the PROactive Solutions for Prolonging Resilience program, which is led by Dr. Andrew Brack and is the first program in the Proactive Health Mission Office.

Proactive Health also launches RAPID, the Rare Disease AI/ML for Precision Integrated Diagnostics program let by Scott Gorman, on the same day.

PROSPR signature image