Other Transaction Community

Other Transaction Community

The ARPA-H Other Transaction Community (OTC) provides a one-stop-shop to assist individuals and organizations with their Other Transactions planning, execution, and administration. Assistance includes training, on-the-job support, educational resources, and reports and publications. 

What is an Other Transaction? 

Other Transactions (OTs) are legally binding but flexible contracting instruments that are not procurement contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements and are also not subject to all acquisition laws and regulations.

Community Contributors and Members

The OTC is comprised of contributors and members. Contributors include business professionals from ARPA-H, other government entities, and industry with extensive experience supporting acquisition initiatives across the federal government. They are responsible for managing content on the OTC. Contributors are subject matter experts in fields such as contracting, program management, law, finance, and risk management. Members include any individuals interested in viewing content on or applying content from the OTC.

Community Mission

The OTC aims to develop and maintain a community for individuals across the federal government and private industry to obtain information and expand their knowledge of OTs. 

Contact ARPA-H OTC

If you have a question, training request, resource, or publication for the OTC, please reach out and let us know.Contact Us


The ARPA-H OTC offers two main types of training:

  • Comprehensive OT Training: Held twice a year, this virtual event is open to government audiences and covers topics including an overview of federal contracting, acquisition, terms, definitions, authorities, business strategies, approaches, and payment structures. Training materials and videos may be available for public viewing after the event(s).
    • ARPA-H’s next Comprehensive OT Training will be held November 19-20, 2024 (virtual). Visit the ARPA-H Events page for event details and registration instructions
  • Focused OT Training: Held periodically based on customer demand, these virtual training sessions focus on specific topics, including – but not limited to – intellectual property, payable milestones, industry engagement, teaming, and resource sharing. 

The OTC also offers a selection of training content curated from various sources across the federal government. See our list of trainings.

Need OT training for a group and cannot attend our scheduled events? Send us a message.


The OTC provides support and assistance to help members with their OT needs. If you have a question or need help, please reach out to us.

NOTE: Please review the “Resources” section and its contents before requesting assistance.  

How we can help:

  • Provide suggestions and tips for conducting and documenting price reasonableness​
  • Give feedback on business approaches, including major milestones, phases, and down-selections​
  • Prove advice for developing use cases to support requests for OT authority​
  • Participate in OT studies or research projects​
  • Present and share information at professional conferences or other events​
  • Share OT best practices and suggestions for potential OT usage based on authority​
  • Help federal government organizations develop OT processes and guidance or requests for OT authority


The OTC collects and maintains a wide variety of resources that offer useful information about OTs. These resources are provided to help community members better understand how OTs are implemented at ARPA-H. 

Q&A Icon


View OT-related frequently asked questions. 

View FAQs

Checklist Icon


View OT-related policies and documents.

Explore Policies

Document Icon


View OT-related templates and samples. 

Browse Templates

Computer Screen Icon


Access other websites with additional OT information. 

View Websites

Do you have a resource that would benefit the OTC and has been cleared for public release? Send it through to us


The OTC retains an archive of useful reports, publications, audits, legal decisions, and protests cases for the benefit of members. Users are encouraged to refer to these materials when interacting with ARPA-H. 

Article Paper Icon


View OT-related articles and publications. 

Read Articles

Person Taking Notes Icon


View OT-related audit reports and evaluations. 

See Audits

Scales of Justice Icon


View OT-related legal and protest decisions. 

Read Legal Documents

If you have a publication that you think would be valuable to other OTC users, please let us know

NOTE: Information provided through this community is for educational and reference purposes only. It is not legal advice and is not a substitute for the opinion of assigned counsel.