EHI Initiative FAQs

To help provide timely information about all aspects of the program, this page is updated periodically in response to questions from potential performers. For full information about the EHI Initiative and the application process, please see the solicitation.

General Questions

A project lead can submit only one solution summary as the project lead. 

Yes, so long as it is not multiple proposals to EHI.  

Please refer to the ISO self-certification requirements for Track 1. The Project Lead should intend to stay at the Proposing Entity for the award period.

Yes. Please refer to the ISO Section 3.3 (page 13) for track-specific eligibility criteria. 

Please refer to the ISO for eligibility criteria and partnering guidance. CBO partnerships with academic researchers are generally allowable; please review section 2.3.2 of the ISO (pages 10 and 11).  

No, if such a submission would not meet ISO requirements.  However, a teaming application may lead to a subcontractor relationship with a potential performer. 

Postdoctoral positions are considered a training position. Therefore, in most cases, they do not count toward the 10-y limitation.

ARPA-H will accept multiple proposals from the same institution. 

Proposed solutions should be innovative, not iterative.

Yes, the proposing entity (company/university/organization) needs to be registered in SAM, and the project lead must hold a role at that entity. If the entity does not have a Unique Entity Identifier, they must obtain one.

For both tracks, Project Leads can be a part of only one proposal; subawardees may serve on multiple proposals. 

Please refer to the ISO for the Government’s topic-specific interests. 

Please refer to the relevant section in the ISO for track- and topic-specific requirements. 

Community-based organizations are invited to apply to Track 2. Please refer to the ISO Section 3.3 (page 13) for track-specific eligibility criteria.