PROSPR Frequently Asked Questions
To help provide timely information about all aspects of the program, this page is updated periodically in response to questions from potential performers. For full information about PROSPR and the application process, please see the solicitation on
General Questions
You can find all of the relevant details on
The budget submitted should be representative of the costs required to perform the work proposed.
We support companies having IP, however we do expect data sharing for the overall gain of the program. For example, biomarkers would have to be shared as part of the program as this is a government-funded program that is meant to benefit all.
There is not a budget cap or expected range for each TA. Proposers are encouraged to submit their best ideas with a commensurate budget.
We will award funding to the team/teams that present the best proposal and provide the most evidence they will be effective in accomplishing their goals independent of the number of teams. Multiple awards are anticipated to accomplish this, but one entity may propose to all TAs in accordance with the ISO.
Yes, please see Section 6.1.2 of the Draft ISO.
Please see Section 5.1 of the Draft ISO. There is no limit on the size of teams, but each member should provide clear value and be managed by at least one Prime proposer.
Proposers are responsible for proposing a team capable of meeting all PROSPR Program requirements. CRO services will not be provided by the Government.
Eligibility and Submission Questions
We provide funding in the form of contractual agreements for performers carrying out negotiated research and development work relevant to the program.
Please see Section 5.1 of the Draft ISO.
PROSPR is independent from the Mission Office ISOs, and the ARPA-H solutions portal will be used. Please see Section 3.2.1 of the Draft ISO for Solution Summary submission information.
The OT Bundle of Attachments, which contains relevant templates, will be released no later than with the Final ISO.
It is possible to submit to both, however, awarded work cannot have overlapping scope. It is recommended to submit to the Program ISO if that is a fit for your proposed work.
The scope for PROPSR is provided here: Publicly traded companies are eligible to apply for the award, see Section 6.1 of the Draft ISO.
Februrary 10, 2025.
The program will be available for submissions upon publication of the final Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO).
Each proposal will consist of at least one prime entity and could also be composed of several sub-prime entities that will perform subsets of the work described in the proposal. If you join a team, you should decide who will be the prime on the proposal. Only one proposal per prime can be submitted, however an entity could be a subprime on multiple proposals submitted to the PROSPR program. See Section 5.1 of the Draft ISO.
Proposers will first submit a Solution Summary. These will be reviewed by the PROSPR team and a subset will be encouraged to submit a full proposal. Please see the Innovative Solutions Opening on the PROSPR program website for full details, including page limits, due dates, submission website, and required content.
The number of awards will be based on the number that is required to fulfill the goals of the program. Since we allow performers to form teams or submit proposals on single TAs, we will not predetermine the number of teams awarded.
Technical Area Questions
One proposal is sufficient regardless of which TAs you choose, please clarify which TAs your proposal will cover in the solution summary and final proposal. Please see Section 2.3.2 of the Draft ISO.
Please see the timeline in the Draft ISO.
Yes, the improved IC score should include all five components of IC, but can include other physiological and biochemical parameters providing they improve the accuracy of 20 year health outcomes. Omics as well as routine lab work can be considered as the additional biochemical measures, please see section 2.3.1 of the draft ISO for more details.
Please see section 3.3.3 in the program draft ISO for more information. For TA3, it will likely be difficult to demonstrate that the target has a high reward potential without strong preliminary data of some kind, particularly in mammalian models.
Please see the Innovative Solutions Opening for in-scope and out-of-scope methods. Any method that is not out-of-scope will be considered, however these should be supported with a clear plan or evidence of previous success. We are not able to comment on suitability until the full details are submitted in the Solution Summary.
The performers will be responsible for storing their own data as the ARPA-H data repository is being built. There is an anticipated change coming to the ISO that will remove reference to the data repository. The program itself is not able to partner with any organizations, but you are welcome to form teams at your discretion to provide such services. However, TA1 proposers can propose to coordinate and collaborate on the construction of a shared repository with other selected teams.
In general, we will not allow proxies of IC physiological components.
Yes, a range of participants ages will be permitted. Clarification of this will be available in the final Innovative Solutions Opening.
Yes, this is permitted for consideration.
The biochemical components can be measured at regular intervals of your choosing, providing you adequately justify the timing in your proposal.
Proposers' Day and Teaming Questions
This may be available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact with pertinent details.
Presenting at Proposers’ Day is for sharing your expertise and capabilities with the group, with the intention of forming teams. If you have already formed a team, you will only be required to disclose the details of your team upon submission of the solution summary.
Solution summaries should present what the proposing entity is currently capable of offering to allow accurate evaluation. Teaming is typically finalized by this point but the Prime proposer/awardee is ultimately responsible for ensuring any agreed upon work is carried out.
Yes, you are welcome to register and attend the meeting virtually.
A final agenda will be available a few days before the meeting, however the lightning talks will be between noon and 5:00pm CT.
Yes, virtual lightning talks are permitted and the decision regarding lightning talk selection is made on a first-come, first-served basis.
Yes, lightning talk ppt slides must be submitted to by January 17th, 2025 at 5:00pm EST.
The lightning talk presentations are a chance for you to form teams with other potential performers to create the best proposal. Therefore, you should show others your capability to perform a subset of the tasks in the proposal and describe which teams you are in collaborating with or what additional skillset would be additive to your team. This is not a chance to have your proposal considered by the PROSPR team and there is no guarantee the PROSPR team will observe the lightning talks. A maximum of 4 slides is allowed.
During Proposers’ Day, potential performers will hear about the ARPA-H mission, our submission process and contract options, the various support tools available to performers, and hear the PROSPR Program Manager discuss the PROSPR program details. Importantly, Proposers’ day will be an opportunity for potential performers to present their work in short talks to one another to facilitate teaming that can allow a more complete proposal to be submitted. Please note that Proposers’ day is not a chance to discuss your ideas for the program to the PROSPR team and attendance does not alter the chances of a positive review of your proposal. For more information, please see our special notice, link on the PROSPR program website.
Proposer’s Day begins at 9:00 AM CT (with in-person registration opening at 8:30 AM CT) and will end by 5:00 PM CT.
The zoom link will be distributed shortly after registration closes on January 21, 2025 at noon ET.