The ARPA-H Transplantation of Human Eye Allografts (THEA) program aims to develop the first-ever complete eye transplantation procedure and restore vision for the blind and visually impaired.   

Funding for awardees varies in amount and is contingent upon the recipient meeting aggressive milestones specific to their project.

The THEA performers are:

  • InGel Therapeutics in Allston, Mass. (TA 2), focusing on 3-D printed click-lock gel technology with micro-tunneled scaffolds containing stem cell-derived retinal cells.
  • Stanford University (TAs 1, 2, and 3), focusing on donor eye procurement, developing new strategies to promote survival and regeneration of the transplanted cells, and performing transplant surgeries.
  • The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (TAs 2 and 3), focusing on developing novel stem cell and bioelectronic technologies to promote nerve regeneration and performing transplant surgeries.
  • The University of Miami Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (TA 1), focusing on donor eye procurement and preservation outside the body with its eye-ECMOTM device.