Doing Business with ARPA-H Industry Day Q&A
The below Q&A are organized by session from ARPA-H's Industry day, held in November, 2024.
General Questions
Yes. You can find presentation content on our Submission Resources and FAQs page. The page includes a link to our Other Transactions Community and a list of resources, templates, and links to help submitters move seamlessly from initial submission to final awarded agreement.
We held our first-ever “Doing Business With ARPA-H” industry day event held on November 13, 2024. Although ARPA-H does not have any similar events scheduled, due to the popularity of the event, we plan similar events in the future. Check back for future event offerings, and sign up for Vitals newsletter for bi-weekly program announcements, funding opportunities, events, and more.
ARPA-H’s areas of interest (focus areas) generally fall within one of our four mission offices: Health Science Futures, Scalable Solutions, Proactive Health, and Resilient Systems. You can also find open funding opportunities here.
ARPA-H is strictly nonpartisan; the agency was created by Congress in 2022. The agency's mission is to drive breakthrough health innovations. Like other advanced research projects agencies, we have a strong bipartisan foundation and anticipate continued support across administrations. The broad, bipartisan congressional support for ARPA-H shows the importance of advancing health innovations to improve the lives of all Americans.
OTs and Cooperative Agreements are not equivalent. Cooperative Agreements are a type of federal financial assistance vehicle to transfer something of value to carry out a public purpose and not to acquire property or services (substantial involvement on the part of ARPA-H is expected). Entities may prefer Cooperative Agreements if their business or financial systems are configured to support them.
An OT is a type of contracting instrument that is not a procurement contract, grant, or cooperative agreement. ARPA-H can enter OTs with small businesses, large businesses, nonprofits, academic institutions, and other types of entities/organizations. OTs are a unique type of contracting instrument that provides government entities the ability to enter flexible business arrangements with potential performers, adopt and incorporate business practices like those within commercial industry, and expand industrial bases. Although there are no guarantees, OTs often result in flexible, streamlined, and cost-effective project design and execution when compared to other contracting instruments. Learn more about OTs through our OT Community.
You can find a sample OT Agreements and Consolidated Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions templates on our Submission Resources and FAQs page.
A list of ARPA-H’s programs and Program Managers are available on our website. Check back regularly for new offerings and sign up for Vitals newsletter for bi-weekly program announcements, funding opportunities, events, and more.
Once a solicitation period has passed, entities can no longer complete a submission in response to a Program-specific Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO). Entities may consider a submission to a Mission Office ISO or seek to potentially partner with an awardee associated with an ARPA-H program (as appropriate).
Each Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO) has information about the solution summary format and required content. On our Submission Resources and FAQs page, there is a solution summary template for Mission Office ISOs for interested parties to consider using.
It is imperative to read program-specific ISOs carefully as each ISO will contain information about the requested solution summary format and required content.
Depending on the ISO, solution summaries might be required or optional. It is imperative to read each ISO carefully to understand the requirements.
Currently, solution summary submissions are required for Mission Office ISOs.
A solution summary may be resubmitted if it is found nonconforming for a reason other being a duplicate of a previously submitted solution summary or proposal. If the proposers are not encouraged, ARPA-H is not interested in the specific solution submitted and proposers should not submit the same solution; however, proposers are still permitted to submit a proposal even if not encouraged to submit a proposal.
Unfortunately, ARPA-H does not currently have the bandwidth to provide feedback before submissions. Accordingly, ARPA-H strongly encourages potential proposers to participate in Proposers’ Days and other ARPA-H outreach efforts prior to making a submission.
For the Mission Office ISOs, the best way to receive feedback from a Program Manager is to submit a solution summary. ARPA-H will review and provide written feedback to all solution summaries after submission. Feedback, at a minimum, will provide encouragement or discouragement to submit a proposal to the ISO.
Interested entities can find out about new, open funding opportunities and associated Proposers’ Day events on our Open Funding Opportunities page, Events page, Solution Submission Portal, and by signing up for the biweekly newsletter, Vitals. Announcements are posted on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media channels. Previous Proposers’ Day presentations are also available on ARPA-H’s YouTube channel.
Entities can submit to multiple R&D opportunities around the same time period. Entities cannot submit one submission to multiple ISOs. Currently, entities can only submit one solution summary and full proposal at a time on ARPA-H’s Solution Submission Portal. Entities are not able to see their submissions or the individual status of their submissions on the portal. ARPA-H plans to enhance the submission portal in the future to add additional features for submitters.
Entities can view general information about each Mission Office ISO here and specific information on (you can search all ISOs using the keyword ARPA-H).
Budget guidelines or restrictions are detailed in the Mission Office ISO on Typically, they are not restrictions, but it will depend on what is detailed in the ISO, and the selection decision may often involve what funds are available to the respective Mission Office.
Yes. Congress restricts the amount of direct salary paid to an individual under an HHS grant, cooperative agreement, or applicable contract to a rate no greater than Executive Level II of the Executive Schedule Pay Table (updated annually).
Ask Us Anything Session
Prospective performers are encouraged (but not required) to form teams with varied technical expertise to submit a proposal. To facilitate this process, ARPA-H creates program-specific teaming pages where prospective performers can share their profiles and learn more about other interested parties.
The email address in a program’s solicitation is the best way to connect with the PMs and their teams. You can also use the “Contact Us” form for general inquiries.
ARPA-H does not take ownership in companies. ARPA-H negotiates the terms and conditions (the “Articles”) for each Agreement that is put in place between ARPA-H and a selected proposer. That would include intellectual property, deliverables, reports, etc.
No. There is no preference for teams or solo entities, as long as the goals and metrics stated in the ISO can be met. Proposers are responsible for identifying the best team (which may include various partners) per the solution or idea proposed.
The solution summary format is always spelled out in the specific ISO or an accompanying Special Notice.
The Mission Office ISOs do not have Proposers’ Day events since they encompass a catch-all and are not specific to a program.
Program ISOs will have Proposers’ Day events that are announced via Special Notice on, on ARPA-H’s Events page, and on the Solutions Submission Portal.
Every Mission Office ISO submission is evaluated based on merit and per the evaluation criteria specified within each ISO. Small businesses can and often do receive awards from ARPA-H.
ARPA-H doesn’t offer guidance on the cost proposal spreadsheet because costs are unique to each entity’s structure. Entities are encouraged to submit what is appropriate for their organization. ARPA-H will discuss and negotiate cost or price once selected for a potential award.
Our Other Transactions (OT) Community provides support and assistance on OT needs, including suggestions and tips for conducting and documenting price reasonableness. Learn more about the OT Community here.
Cost or resource sharing is when a proposer contributes either cash or something of value (e.g. reduction to fully burdened rates, equipment) that would be directly relevant and utilized as part of program performance. At times, a program specific ISO may encourage resource sharing given the nature of the effort.
Every submission should be submitted by someone with authority to do so. Usually, this involves the office of sponsored research/projects or the corporate office that handles contracting matters. ARPA-H does not regulate the review or approval process outside of the agency.
No. We cannot share specific information about program-specific or Mission Office ISO submissions.
Small businesses can work with ARPA-H in many ways, from program teaming to responding to surveys and ISO submissions. Check back regularly for future offerings for small businesses, and sign up for Vitals newsletter for bi-weekly announcements, opportunities, events, and more.
While all submissions are important to ARPA-H’s mission and each will be fairly considered, Program-specific ISOs generally have a higher priority for resources (funding and personnel) than Mission Office ISOs.
Your selection letter will detail if you have an interview/call (and the specifics of the call, including how to request, the timeframe to request and the amount of time allotted).
ARPA-H encourages organizations to submit their research ideas notwithstanding a perceived limitation. While there is statutory language that may suggest ARPA-H is limited in the number of awards it may make to one entity, there are circumstances in which ARPA-H may make more than three awards to an organization entity. Any proposal received will be fairly considered for award and, if it is of interest to ARPA-H, may be selected for an award.
Each program is structured differently and the cadence for reporting will differ. However, Program Managers (PMs) will be in nearly constant communication with teams and will be monitoring project health along the way. Key indicators will be how well the Performer is performing against the metrics and milestones that were laid out in the ISO and the awarded agreement. However, the PM and project team will continuously assess performance and will work with the performer to address any issues, which could include either pivoting to a more promising approach or cutting portion(s) of a project that are deemed not successful.
All agreement types and durations are unique; however, funds are usually not all provided at once. For initial awards for OTs, funds are typically invoiced for after the successful completion of a milestone. A performer would complete the milestone, receive PM concurrence, then invoice for the milestone amount. Please note that OTs are not grants and funds are not released en masse at award for draw down; rather, funds must be unlocked through milestone achievement for each project.
Program Managers (PMs) start by developing a new program concept using the ARPA-H Heilmeier Questions framework. The PM presents the program concept to the ARPA-H Director’s Office for approval.
The ARPA-H Heilmeier questions provide potential ARPA-H Program Managers high-level guidance for what information should be included in their pitch and a framework for communicating to ARPA-H leadership what they hope to accomplish with their program. Learn more about the process on our What is a Program Manager page.
Solution summaries (abstracts) and proposals are evaluated against the criteria outlined in the respective solicitations. Submissions will be evaluated by government reviewers who may be ARPA-H Program Managers or qualified personnel from other government organizations and agencies who are deemed proficient in the pertinent research areas of the solicitation.
ARPA-H is committed to the program or project as scoped and awarded. However, achieving technical milestones and metrics during the award term will factor into whether a performer continues in whole or in part. Unsuccessful aspects may be removed or modified, or the project may be required to pivot, which would affect the funding amount.
It can be the Program Manager or another appointed individual who has expertise in the area of the award. ARPA-H may change AORs during the project. An AOR change is communicated before or at award and documented within the award.
The timeline for receiving feedback on solution summaries will differ. Response times can vary from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the type of ISO. ARPA-H typically responds quicker to solution summaries for Program-specific ISOs than Mission Office ISOs. Review each ISO to identify the expected duration to receive feedback from ARPA-H in response to a solution summary.
ARPA-H can fund solo founders as long as all metrics and requirements in the Innovative Solutions Opening or other solicitation can be met. All entities (regardless of type) are required to be registered with a Unique Entity Identification number within the System for Award Management ( to receive an ARPA-H award.
Cost sharing is not generally required. However, different programs and projects may have different requirements where cost-sharing may apply.
The cost details required will be unique to each program. Generally, ARPA-H is seeking enough information to establish the reasonableness of the proposed price. We understand that some activities will be difficult to estimate to a near certainty. In those cases, ARPA-H seeks a proposer’s most reasonable estimate and the underlying rationale for that estimate. ARPA-H does not provide labor rates or dictate how proposers should price their necessary activities for R&D efforts. Regarding OTs in a fixed-price structure, pricing activities for the R&D effort can be a topic during negotiations between ARPA-H and the proposer.
The Sprint for Women’s Health submission period is closed. ARPA-H plans to have other sprints on other topics in the future. Check back regularly for current and future open funding opportunities, and sign up for Vitals newsletter for bi-weekly program announcements, funding opportunities, events, and more.
Yes. There are different page limitations for solution summaries and proposals. It depends specifically on the requirements outlined within each ISO (whether Program-specific or Mission Office related). Review the contents of each ISO before making any solution summary or full proposal submission. Also, entities interested in submissions can leverage various submission-related resources like Q&A and templates on ARPA-H’s website.
Mission Office ISOs allow ARPA-H to fund health-related technology research and development outside of the traditional grant or contract structure by using solicitations designed for cooperative agreements and other transactions for flexibilities outside of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. Each ARPA-H Mission Office maintains a Mission Office specific ISO that targets topic areas of interest.
These designations can be found on the Small Business Administration (SBA) website. They are not decided by ARPA-H.
ARPA-H primarily funds outcomes-based arrangements via Other Transactions and Cooperative Agreements (not grants). ARPA-H PMs want to have a significant level of involvement/partnership with the performer, which differs from how grant-based awards work.
International entities are allowed to complete submissions or collaborate with U.S. entities as team members. Per 42 USC § 290c(n)(1), the ARPA-H Director shall prioritize awarding any contracting instruments to entities that will conduct funded work in the U.S. and, as appropriate and practicable, encourage nondomestic award applicants to collaborate with domestic entities. In no case will ARPA-H make awards to nondomestic entities organized under the laws of a covered foreign country (i.e., China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea).
We encourage participation from across the globe but also encourage entities to identify U.S.-based entities to partner with.
The open dialogue regarding a program usually starts once the solicitation is released (solution summary, feedback letter, question and answer period, Proposers’ Day, etc.). Proposals evaluated will be either selected for negotiation or not, and that will be communicated through ARPA-H’s contracting team. After entities are selected for negotiation, most communication will be with ARPA-H’s contracting team and the PM team.
All ARPA-H group inboxes are regularly monitored and ARPA-H is doing its best to work through inquires in a timely manner. For general ARPA-H questions/inquiries, ARPA-H has dedicated team members that respond to submitters.
Reporting requirements are negotiated for each OT based on the needs of the program and the cadence of the program. ARPA-H does not have standard reporting requirements.
ARPA-H does not have information on accelerators nor is it required that a proposer use these services to pursue an ARPA-H Innovative Solutions Opening.
Entities can complete submissions to multiple Mission Office ISOs so long as the submission idea/solution is not the same. If entities complete submissions to multiple Mission Office ISOs for the same idea/solution, the submission may be considered non-conforming and not reviewed.
ARPA-H award contracts will be in English, and award amounts will be denominated in U.S. dollars.
Proposers’ Day is an optional event, typically held a month after a new program is announced, for the potential proposer community. Solution summaries and full proposals are submission types in response to Program-specific or Mission Office Innovative Solutions Openings (ISOs).
You Received an Award Session
There is typically not an upfront payment; however, an initial payment for activities such as attending a kickoff or submitting an initial report/plan can be negotiated.
Post-award management of ARPA-H programs is dependent on the structure, nature, and complexity of the individual program. From a contractual standpoint, post-award management of ARPA-H and DARPA programs is similar.
Any required data sharing plans will be detailed in the award. Details vary based on each program/award.
ARPA-H will typically request the Security Risk Certification Form anytime there is a change in the information that was submitted with the proposal. This could include a change in sub-awardees, key personnel, etc. ARPA-H will typically provide approval via email.
Payable Milestones Questions
ARPA-H employs either fixed or expenditure-based milestone OTs.
Milestones are negotiable and thus can be tailored based on the specific needs of each performer.
Milestones can be mixed within the same agreement if the situation dictates, but it is not a common occurrence and often increases the complexity.
Proposers generally indicate a preferred method in their proposal that aligns with the ISO requirements. However, the Agreements Officer may decide, in consultation with the proposer, that another method is better suited for the acquisition.
Fixed milestone payments are fixed and would change only in rare cases. Expenditure-based milestones have greater flexibility.
For unrestricted invoicing, each milestone must be approved by the Program Manager (PM) before invoicing. After approval is received, the performer will submit the payment request to Payment Management System, a system outside of ARPA-H. Typically, turn-around is under 30 days from invoice/milestone review to payment receipt, in our experience.
For restricted invoicing, the process is similar. The PM must approve the milestone prior to the performer submitting the payment request within Payment Management System. Once approval is provided, the performer can submit the payment request. After the performer submits the payment request in the Payment Management System, there is an additional approval step required before payment release. If approved, the money is disbursed by the Payment Management System quickly thereafter.
Overall program budgets are set by the Program Manager (PM) and Mission Office. Program budgets are not shared publicly. The budget for each award is negotiated based on the proposal.
Each proposal should have as much detail as reasonably possible to mitigate risk to the budget. The proposal will be evaluated based on the criteria outlined in the solicitation; this often includes an evaluation of the proposed budget. As there is an inherent risk to each effort, it is recommended those risks be outlined and discussed in the proposal to support the proposed budget.
Expenditure based milestones must still have the milestones approved by the Program Manager.
Teaming Session
Yes, performers may make sub-awardee teaming changes post-award, but such changes may require negotiation with ARPA-H.
ARPA-H does not currently sponsor any direct networking opportunities. However, interested performers are encouraged to attend relevant Proposers’ Day events and search each program’s teaming webpage.
ARPA-H primarily uses ISOs for its R&D efforts. To help entities with submissions in response to ISOs, ARPA-H has made resources, including templates, available on its website.
International Session
Submissions in response to ISOs can include academic institutions, small businesses, large businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other entities as appropriate given the respective ISO.
Yes. Please reach out to ARPA-H’s Division of International Affairs team at to discuss and learn more.
ARPA-H does not currently have any projects or programs conducting research in outer space; however, there is no prohibition on it.
Submissions in response to ISOs can include academic institutions, small businesses, large businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other entities as appropriate given the respective ISO.
It is vital that data obtained from a clinical trial be applicable to patients in the U.S. who may receive the drug, device, or care. All trials should ensure applicability of results to the U.S. population and medical practice.
All entities should outline the unique capabilities, talent, knowledge, etc., they bring to a program or project.
This would be dependent on the structure of the company and the entity submitting the proposal.
Intellectual Property (IP) Session
ARPA-H does not have a preferred IP stance. ARPA-H seeks IP strategies that will allow for breakthrough technologies to be accessible and more affordable for all Americans but balances that goal with a performer’s ability to commercialize and benefit from their technologies and creations.
The government typically seeks a license, and not ownership, in inventions created during performance of a government-funded award (and only those inventions the government has funded).
If applicable, specific Commercialization Plan requirements will be specified for each Program or project. Some projects or programs may offer a template or sample. Proposers are encouraged to submit questions for each ISO, if applicable.
Affordability and Accessibility Session
The Project Accelerator Transition Innovation Office (PATIO) team does not help individual potential performers develop proposals; however, PATIO works with Program Managers and performers (post-award) from concept development to graduation, to help identify a path for successful transition.
ARPA-H strongly encourages potential performers to participate in program Proposers’ Day events to ask questions and learn more about how to tailor proposals to ARPA-H opportunities.
ARPA-H has completed and is actively working several initiatives to improve the customer (or performer) experience. For example, in 2024, ARPA-H evaluated its Innovation Solutions Opening (ISO) process, including its online submission portal site. After conducting interviews to obtain feedback from customers and substantial user testing, ARPA-H enhanced its ISO processes and submission portal. In addition, ARPA-H made significant enhancements to its public website to provide information that could help interested parties (potential performers) complete submissions in response to ARPA-H’s R&D opportunities. ARPA-H plans to make future process and system improvements based on feedback from customers.
Since inception, ARPA-H has made awards to entities of all types and sizes, including those that have not previously performed significant work with the federal government. ARPA-H welcomes novel R&D ideas and solutions via submissions in response to Program-specific or Mission Office Innovative Solutions Openings (ISOs). Prior to submission, interested entities should closely review the ISO content, including the requirements for submission and evaluation criteria.
Program Transition Session
Join ARPANET-H, our nationwide health innovation network that connects people, innovators, and institutions. One of the main priorities of ARPANET-H as it moves into year two is establishing transition capabilities and resources for ARPA-H performers. Alternatively, send us a message via website contact form.
PATIO works with Program Managers and performers (post-award) from concept development to graduation, to help identify a path for successful transition at the same time as we are developing the science. PATIO applies a private sector-style approach to technical due diligence and market analyses to help develop a transition path for ARPA-H performers. Our approach also helps ensure solutions do not overlap with existing work or investment in the government or private sector.
DIU’s CSO process was one of many influences as ARPA-H borrowed some elements of their process. A key element of PATIO’s philosophy is to learn from other innovators, but uniquely tailor the process to ARPA-H’s mission, to accelerate better outcomes for everyone.
PATIO does not help individual potential performers develop proposals. However, we strongly encourage potential performers to participate in a program’s Proposers’ Day events to ask questions and learn more about how to tailor proposals to our opportunities.
That work is underway. ARPA-H is dedicated to supporting innovative solutions that are currently in development and have not yet reached market readiness.
Refer to the ARPANET-H information on our website
Engaging with FFRDCs
Yes. UARCs are able to complete submissions in response to ARPA-H’s solicitations.
No. We encourage academic institutions to complete submissions and/or participate on ARPA-H R&D efforts.