Submission Resources and FAQs

Unlike most funding agencies, ARPA-H does not just provide grants to support research. Instead, we also employ a range of alternative mechanisms, including other transactions and cooperative agreements. This page is to help prospective research performers better understand the ARPA-H funding award process. We have included a list of useful resources, templates, and links to help applicants move seamlessly from initial submission to final awarded agreement. For more information about other transactions, see our OT Community.  

Our Funding Award Process

A representation of the process of working with BID

Planning and Initiation

ARPA-H identifies a broad research focus area or launches a specific research program 


ARPA-H releases solicitations, usually in the form of an Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO) 


Proposers submit solution summaries or full proposals and ARPA-H provides feedback 


ARPA-H makes awards to submitter(s) after negotiating terms and conditions 


Performers execute tasks and receive payment per agreement milestones and payment terms 

Completion and Closeout

When the research is done, ARPA-H closes the agreement but provides ongoing product support 

Common Terms and Definitions 

Innovative Solution Opening (ISO): ARPA-H’s unique solicitation instrument, which can either be in the form of a Program-Specific or Mission Office ISO.  

  • Program-Specific ISOs are used to solicit potential solutions for specific ARPA-H programs. 
  • Mission Office ISOs are used to solicit potential solutions that fall within a mission office area of research interest but may not be addressed by any specific ARPA-H program.  

Solution Summary: A short concept summary document that potential proposers can submit to ARPA-H via an ISO prior to investing resources for a full proposal submission. ARPA-H will provide a response on the viability of and interest in the concept based on this information. Not all ISOs request or require solutions summaries so submitters should read the ISO carefully. 

Proposal: A full application for a new or innovative idea submitted in response to an ARPA-H ISO. ARPA-H will use this document to make a final decision about whether or not to fund the proposed research.  

Program: A collective set of research projects and activities funded by ARPA-H that focuses on a specific problem or challenge, is managed by a Program Manager, and aligns with agency’s wider R&D goals. 

Other Transaction: An R&D award vehicle governed by 42 U.S.C. 290c (g)(1)(D) that is not a procurement contract (subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations), or assistance award vehicle, such as a grant or cooperative agreement (subject to the Grant and Cooperative Agreement regulations). 

Cooperative Agreement: A type of federal financial assistance vehicle to transfer something of value to carry out a public purpose and not to acquire property or services (substantial involvement on the part of ARPA-H is expected).  

Samples, Templates, and Links 

Samples and Templates

Other Transaction Agreement Sample: This sample allows potential performers to view an OT agreement with articles and language that may be used by ARPA-H. NOTE: Included articles and language may vary depending on the program/project/effort and negotiations with performers. 

Consolidated Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions: This template shares terms and conditions (T&Cs) that may be included in a cooperative agreement awarded by ARPA-H. NOTE: Final T&Cs may vary depending on the program/project/effort, and any draft cooperative agreement should be carefully reviewed by potential performers prior to signature. 

Administrative and National Policy Template: This template outlines information, including intellectual property assertions and organizational conflicts of interest disclosure templates, that ARPA-H may request potential performers to complete and provide as part of a full proposal submission. Each ISO will specify whether the template is required as part of the proposal package. 

Mission Office ISO Solution Summary Cover Page Template: This template assists submitters complete a cover page for solution summaries for ARPA-H Mission Office ISOs. 


ARPA-H's Solution Submission Portal: ARPA-H’s solution site, the preferred area for potential performers to submit solution summaries and full proposals in response to ISOs. Government site for potential performers to register or renew a unique entity identifier (UEI). Forms: Government site for potential performers to access federal forms associated with federal financial assistance instrument application packages. 


Per 42 U.S.C. 290c, ARPA-H has the authority to award other transactions (OTs), cooperative agreements, grants, contracts, and cash prizes; however, ARPA-H primarily leverages OTs and Cooperative Agreements for R&D efforts. 

Frequently Asked Questions

ARPA-H advances high-potential and high-impact health research that cannot be readily accomplished through traditional research or commercial activities. The agency’s goal is to transition research into real-world applications that are affordable and available to all. ARPA-H uses ISOs, a unique solicitation instrument and process, for its research and development (R&D) efforts. Additionally, ARPA-H is not a grant-making organization and will primarily use Other Transactions and Cooperative Agreements for R&D awards. ARPA-H’s Program Managers remain involved in projects and activities throughout the life of the program to measure and evaluate project performance to ensure the best solutions advance.  

An ISO is a unique solicitation instrument created by ARPA-H to make awards for R&D projects. ISOs are not bound by the Federal Acquisition Regulations.  

Potential performers can become aware of open ARPA-H opportunities through ARPA-H’s website,, social media platforms (LinkedIn, X, and Instagram), and ARPA-H’s Vitals e-mail newsletter. 

An ISO is ARPA-H’s unique solicitation instrument, which can either be in the form of a Program-Specific or Mission Office ISO. A Program-Specific ISO is used to solicit potential solutions for a specific ARPA-H program, while a Mission Office ISO is intended for potential solutions that fall within a mission office area of research interest but may not be addressed by any specific ARPA-H program. Submitters must be cognizant that depending on when ARPA-H receives submissions to MO ISOs, funding may be limited and ARPA-H’s submission reviews may take longer when compared to submissions to Program-Specific ISOs. Also, if a submission to a Mission Office ISO is in an area already covered by an active Program ISO, the submission may be rejected and the submitter advised to submit to the Program ISO instead. 

Solution summaries are concept summary documents in response to ARPA-H Innovative Solutions Openings (ISOs), when requested. Solution summaries are generally limited to a few pages and are intended to save time and money for the proposers by giving an early indication of the relevance and acceptability of the technical idea from ARPA-H prior to investing resources for a full proposal submission. A full proposal is a full application for a new or innovative solution/idea. Please refer to the information in the specific Program-Specific ISO, Mission Office ISO, or other ARPA-H solicitation to identify the requirements for solution summaries and full proposals. 

Solution summaries and full proposals are reviewed as specified in each ISO. Solution summaries are not evaluated to the same extent as full proposals since they are only concept summary documents. 

Potential performers may submit solutions for different ARPA-H projects. They may also submit multiple solutions to each Mission Office ISO. While a potential performer may generally only submit one solution to each Program-Specific ISO as the primary proposer, it may propose within multiple teams as a teaming partner (sub-awardee). 

Yes, international entities are allowed to complete submissions or collaborate with US entities as team members. Per 42 USC § 290c(n)(1), the ARPA-H Director shall prioritize awarding any contracting instruments to entities that will conduct funded work in the US and, as appropriate and practicable, encourage nondomestic recipients of contracting instruments to collaborate with domestic entities. In no case will ARPA-H make awards to nondomestic entities organized under the laws of a covered foreign country. 

Program metrics included in ISOs are generally considered requirements and not subject to change. Proposers that do not propose to meet the metrics outlined in the ISO may not be selected for negotiation for award. ARPA-H will measure performance based on the agreement terms, as agreed upon by all parties of the agreement. Performance is generally assessed and measured in agreements through a combination of program requirements, program milestones, and payment milestones, all of which will be addressed as part of the agreement negotiation process.  

Yes, performers may make sub-awardee teaming changes post-award, but such changes may require negotiation with ARPA-H.